"I had the pleasure of working with Carrie as I was struggling to figure out what I wanted next in my career. I had never formally worked with a coach and I quickly realized that was a mistake! Carrie helped me get to the root of what I was struggling with at that time in my career and helped me articulate my values and what I wanted next. After working with Carrie I was able to clearly envision and articulate what I wanted next - making it so much easier to move forward with confidence and conviction. I HIGHLY recommend working with Carrie!"
-Katie, GTM Leader
"I had a wonderful experience being coached by Carrie! Her insights, guidance, and encouragement have made such a difference in my professional life. Carrie helped me reflect on the work I'm doing, see challenging situations in a new light, and helped me develop skills needed to have difficult but necessary conversations with my team. I feel so much more confident in myself and my ability to lead my team after working with Carrie."
"After the first four sessions, I already felt more settled in my work and less anxious about what was coming next. I know how my personality works with my team and how I can get the best out of them."
-Administrative Professional
"I decided to reach out to Carrie because I had a gut feeling that a career opportunity was on the horizon. Rather than be reactive to this potential opportunity, I wanted to be proactive and strategic. Carrie helped me focus on the "human" aspects of this opportunity - how it aligns with my values, how it makes me feel, and if it made sense for what I wanted out of life. This was my first promotional opportunity that I felt clear-headed about, felt comfortable being professionally bold, and felt inspired to advocate for what was truly important to me. Carrie helped me feel confident and focused while making it abundantly clear that I was the one making the shifts. Her support, perspective, and accountability were a gamechanger that set me up to succeed. I'm in a better place professionally because of Carrie's guiding hand and unwavering support."
"As I start this next chapter in my career journey, leaving a company I’ve worked at for nearly two decades to begin working in a new field, I don’t think I could have gotten to this point confidently without Carrie’s coaching. We’ve been working together through personal and professional complications and her ability as a coach to distill the complexities into manageable pieces has allowed me to develop a new process of goal setting, decision-making, acceptance, and growth. I have shifted the way I look at problems or concerns and am now able to find the most purposeful and important questions that allow me to more carefully address the and feel confident about the answer. Our work has helped me reshape the way I frame my own thinking, self-awareness, confidence, and decision-making in both work and life."
-Higher Education Professional